Tuesday 24 March 2009

More textual analysis of Honey and Dirty Dancing

Film one Honey: Rather like our film, honey portrays a difference in two backgrounds that in the end begin to merge, but is a typical American film and fails in recognising the stereotypical British Gritty approach, that we aim to fulfill. The Universal opening sequence 0f 3 minutes is heavily dominated by the hip hop and club lifestyle, so therefore targeted at that particular audience, but also a late teens early adult society since most of the characters are quite young and seem most interested in the club culture. This is portrayed in many ways firstly, there are the costumes which are typical for people of the dance, club and Hip hop lifestyle for example Honey is wearing a Short top as dancers quite often do, while the males appear wearing baggy tops, street wear and lots of jewellery 'Bling'. As the opening sequence begins and the credits role there is a aerial shot which acts as an establishing shot amongst the hustling city location that is dominated with hip hop culture, while the diegetic music hints portrays this hip hop culture, and the camera pans showing the enormity of the location and also the speed the camera moves helps to create a sense of hustle, which then zooms in and cuts to a nightclub, the flashing lights, dance floor and a herd of people shows the popularity of this culture and the diegetic helps to appeal to the teenage audience. As the Camera tilts to show the enormity of the this culture there is a long shot of the club goers and then the camera tilts and we are confronted with Honey, Where there is a close up of her to establish her as a vital Character with a key role throughout the film, there a variety of long shots and high angle shots that show how people are enjoying themselves and the popularity of this culture in an American club society. The camera zooms into key dancers which informs the audience about the nature of the film and it is here where the clock becomes vital, there is a close up of the clock and then Honey's face to shoe the transition between working and doing what she loves, dancing. After, a long shot there is a close up of Honey and her her rival dancer, Catrina And then there is High Angle shot of Honey to establish her as a main character, as a dancer, the director has cleverly done this by people moving out of her way as she walks through the crowd. Universal pictures has been used because it deals with more adult issues so is aimed at that audience, using Jessica Alba also appeals to this audience since she is broadly known among the teen and young adult audience.


Film 2 - Dirty Dancing: Though, a typically older, British Film Dirty Dancing also focuses on a contrast in lifestyle of those who cannot dance and those who can. Though, once again the opening sequence of 2 minutes fails to portray the gritty film that we hope to broadcast, instead focusing on a sort of happy ending, which focuses also on a love story. The film is a chick flick also aimed at late teens, early adulthood largely because the characters appear to be of this age. The main Characters were largely recognisable and attractive making it more appealing to a late teen audience, although it would seem that it would appeal mostly to a female audience because the nature of the film it also appeals to a male audience as males see that it is acceptable to be interested in dance which is helped by one of the main characters being a make dancer. The outfits and hair styles hint that the film is relatively dated since fashions often change, but, costumes also seem to portray the relationship between males and females in this film, where females are trying to impress the males. The music is diagetic and you can hear people laughing and singing along generally suggesting that this type of music is largely populated. The surroundings also suggest about a dominant dance culture since it focuses on everyone dancing, not at one point does the camera focus on people that are sitting down. It is also set in a hall with a large dance floor, so that's what people go there to do.

Firstly, there is a mid close shot that Focuses and pin points on Patrick Swayze and also marks him as a vital character both in the film and in the dance world, he is at the front which would suggest that the is a leading body in this type of society and there is a woman holding on to his shoulder which portrays him as respected, particularly among a female audience. But, the camera is also far enough away to see others dancing too and it is almost as if we are seeing our of her eyes which helps to engage the audience, Patrick swayze also achieves this by looking straight into the camera. Then the camera pans to establish main characters and there reactions to the situation, where he seems comfortable and she seems uneasy. Once again there is a mid shot of them dancing to show the difference in abilities and level of annoyance between them. After, there is a long shot of her to show how she is kind of swept off her feet among all these people.


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