Wednesday 25 March 2009

Textual analysis

Dirty Dancing is a more loved up version of the film we wish to produce. Our audience have said they wish to see some form of romance or chemistry within a dance film, yet our aim is to stay clear of the stereotypical dance film which revolves around the theme of love. There is a strong plot and storyline which is easy to follow; we would like our film to have a similarly reasonably easy to follow story line.
The characters are believable, enabling us to empathise with them and build a strong relationship with them. We would like our characters to be able to build a similar repore with the audience. However Dirty Dancing is now a cult following, world famous due to the big stars appearing in the film, whilst the strong,believable story line has allowed the audience to relate to the film. It is a feel good film, like most dance films. It is important in our film there is a line between feel good, and stereotypical love dance movies that all end in the same typical happy ending. Dirty Dancing has developed to the phenomena it is today due to the very memorable and catchy songs. It prides itself upon a music and dance theme, allowing the songs to perform part of the feel good factor. These tracks and the iconic pose with Patrick swazee holding his girl high above him provide the iconic pictures allowing the musical movie to become the cult it has today. The movie has developed itself into many good Theatre musical interpretations allowing the dirty dancing name to continue to increase in popularity, as it is even more accessible to the audience as it is thrust further into the media spotlight. Unlike dirty dancing we do not pan to have any songs in our production, as there is not time in a two minute film extract, plus we are not aiming for the musical /dance feel good genre. However it is clear Dirty Dancing is an extremely successful product that we can learn many techniques from, to allow us to produce a successful film. Ranging from camera shots to a believable storyline, Dirty Dancing is a good role model for its genre.

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