Wednesday 18 March 2009

A bit of textual analysis :)

Three of the films that I am analysing are Centre Stage,Step up and Make It Happen. All three are dance films which comply to many of the codes and conventions methods.

Film One: Step Up 1 : The film Step up itself has many strong points about it as a dance film it follows the convention of fulfilling dreams and overcoming obstacles. The opening of the film itself is split between two scenes (an idea that we found very constructive and visually interesting to watch). We are shown both hip hop and classical ballet. The Hip hop scene is very dark with the music supposedly diegetic. We assume this as the dance is hip hop as well as the music. However as it is also cutting to a ballet class we find that the music therefore becomes non-diagetic, as an audience we sub concisely know that the ballet and the hip hop music is not traditionally going to be linked therefore creates a whole new perspective of the the emergence of both the music and dance.
Costume is also relevant with the ballet dance in traditional ballet clothes and the hip hop dancers in street wear. This also allows us an audience to understand the formality of the scene.
The setting of each is also massively different with the Ballet being held in a large studio with big windows letting in lots of natural light. However the hip hop is much darker and set in something that looks like a warehouse. It also hints towards deprivation in comparison to ballet representing a higher class of living.

Film 2: Make it Happen
Make it happen's opening scene is very different in comparison with other films that we have watched. For example the scene begins with a snapshot photos of different locations. with a voice over from the lead character.

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